Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Roll Up

Rolling Up Characters

For characters rolling abilities, roll 4d6, drop the lowest die.
Players can assign the scores to the abilities they'd like in order to suit a specific class, or input them in the order they come out and pick a class based on that.


All of the heroes are survivors of the Drowning of Nyara - an act of mass murder carried out by the State Ozquo.

One core motivation all the heroes share is a love for their former homeland. That love may be messy, but it drives many of the choices the heroes make.

Nyara was a multicultural kingdom with citizens of all races (not true of most other kingdoms). It was wealthy and egalitarian, an important trading partner, supportive of arts and culture from all the kingdoms, and famous for its cuisine and wine. The destruction of the kingdom was a harsh blow to most across the continent. The Drowning is viewed by many, even some within Ozquo, as an unforgivable atrocity.

Nyara supported a wide variety of professional classes. So, a player's class background may have started its development before the cataclysm.

It has been 10 years since the Drowning. In those ten years, the heroes have worked to become 1st level heroes in their classes.

There is some need for characters to hide their Nyarian roots. The Ozquo military are under orders to capture or kill survivors. There are, however, sympathetic people almost everywhere.

As players develop a background for their characters, they should address their reaction to the Drowning. Did it motivate their pursuit of a class specialization? Who do they hold responsible? Have they sworn revenge? Do they want to reestablish a Nyarian kingdom? Did they lose loved ones? Did they escape with anyone? Are they proud or ashamed of their roots? You get the idea.

Also, players should describe where/how they've been training during the last 10 years. Players can make up the people they trained with, and we'll work together to find a location for those people somewhere on the continent.

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