The Gods of Loose Funk
Star Child – The Mothership Connection
Domain: The Nasty
Portfolio: Groove, Nasty, Nature
Star Child is the beginning of all things funky. More ancient than time, Star Child arrived in a world without groove. She set the world in motion with her hips, bringing groove to bear on all that was. The result is the world and its nasty ways.
Sirrlaal-Eepop – Keeper of Bimini Ro
Domain: Where the water meets the land
Portfolio: Groove, Tricky
Known for his long hair and an ability to improve faults and shortcomings simply by the laying on of his funk, Sirrlaal teaches that the groove is life. Sirrlaal also serves as the Herald of Star Child.
Cosmic Slop – Knower of Wefunk
Domain: The forest
Portfolio: Nasty, Flash Light
A formless force of the nasty, Cosmic Slop flows through all things funky. Being touched by the Cosmic Slop is associated with enlightenment and a wisdom that touches the depths of the universe.
Mist Urwigals – Ruler of Atlantis
Domain: The Ocean
Portfolio: Nature, Real Eyes
Typically in the form of a gigantic worm, Mist is the memory of what was or will be. Capable of providing a bump by bump rundown of the history of all things funky, Mist grants intelligence and insight into the workings of the natural world.
The Gods of Tight Funk
Dahc-Torf Unkenstein – Healer of Funkadelica
Domain: Fire
Portfolio: Groove, Light, Real Eyes
When Star Child saw the world was grooving, she called forth Dahc-Torf Unkenstein. While Star Child was able to start the groove, it was Dahc-Torf who could control it. With the rhythm from within, Dahc-Torf shaped all living things into being.
Kiddfa N’kadelic – Don of Taeknomes
Domain: The battlefield
Portfolio: War, Nasty
The strong arm of the funk, Kiddfa enforces that which regulates the universe with an ability to move the forces that maintain order. Those who understand the value of strategy pray to Kiddfa.
Ancalljam – Knower of Deyfunk
Domain: The storm
Portfolio: Tempest, War
The source of Funk is the rhythm of change and conflict, and it is always on the One. Ancalljam is the energy drawn from the contradiction of holding the rhythm of conflict on the One.
Cea Cee – Constable of Villecacao
Domain: The cities of men
Portfolio: Real Eyes, Tricky
They say Star Child had to trick stillness to bring groove into the universe. The idea of a trick was so powerful that it spawned Cee Cee, the goddess of chaos, joy, Real Eyes, and tricky.
The Gods of the Loose and Staid
Searnooz Deevoid – Heir of Snootonia
Domain: The void
Portfolio: Stagnation, Real Eyes, War
Formally of Funk, Searnooz was cast away by Star Child after a failed revolution. Searnooz sensed chaos where others felt the funk and he foresaw an uncontrolled groove that would one day tear the roof off the whole of the world. So Searnooz turned against the funk and vowed to bring stagnation to all he touched.
Plaa-See Bosind-Rome – Pusher of Syndrome
Domain: The ill and the sickly
Portfolio: Stagnation, Nature
Plaa-See is the slow stench of decay and the drain that pulls life away from the world. While all who know her fear her touch, there remains something irresistible about Plaa-See’s power. Many have been drawn away from the groove by her promises of a slow painless end.
Dold Rumms – Trickster of Dulldroms
Domain: The forest
Portfolio: Darkness, Tricky
In the darkest corners of the forest, worshipers of Dold tell tale of how their withered god stole away Star Child’s youth during the Groove Rebellion. It is told, Dold convinced the goddess that the path to wonders is only visible to those who forsake the funk for drudgery.
Noa Larms – Czar of Foggine
Domain: The forge
Portfolio: Light, Real Eyes
Noa is the ceaseless sound of a hammer on the anvil. His power over Real Eyes comes not from wisdom, but from unending toil. His efforts have uncovered much of what holds the groove in check.
The Gods of the Tight and Staid
Rumpov Steelskin – Drain of Vallblassom
Domain: The plains
Portfolio: Stagnation, Light, Tricky
Ageless and unbending, Rumpov is Star Child’s twin brother. He longs for the unmoving that was, and brings his steely grip to bear on all he can reach.
Daprez Endent – Enforcer of Rok
Domain: The mountains
Portfolio: War, Real Eyes
Order is the way of Daprez. With an efficiency that is mechanical in nature, Daprez oversees the Techdrones in an effort to bring all existence into a state of clockwork efficiency.
Thajoans Ez – Sultan of Doost
Domain: The desert
Portfolio: Tricky, Tempest
Thajoans Ez does not see chaos in the storm. She sees the force that will break down all that exists into nothingness, into the stillness that was before the funk. Thajoans is the temptation that pushes those of the funk to pursue their worst impulses.
Mae Gatbrane – Don in Maad
Domain: The swamp
Portfolio: Real Eyes, Nasty
Devouring its own mind time and time again throughout eternity, Mae Gatbrane is self defeat and the knowing that all is fruitless. Let the world turn and its forces push and pull, in the end all will decay and be consumed by Mae.
The Portfolios of the gods
Where the influence of the gods is most powerful on the material plane and its echoes.
Groove is what gives life to all things. To be blessed with the Groove is to have health and vitality. This is the domain of healers and life givers.
The force that holds all things is nasty. It is not pretty binding together all of the differences between people, beasts, monsters, the land, the sea, and the great beyond.
Nature holds the forces that bring chaos and order into a dance. The forces of nature are neither funky nor staid. They are the growth and decay. They are the wild and subdued.
Is it the world we see, or is it what the world wants us to see? In the space between those two questions, you'll find it’s tricky.
Flash Light
The day and the flame shine brightly to tell the truest tales. Truth cannot be recognized without a Flash Light. This is the domain of those who protect honor and honesty.
Real Eyes
To Real Eyes is to know a thing and to understand the world it inhabits.
Since the time of the One and Stillness, there have always been conflicts and violence. War is where the greatest of differences get settled.
The storm brings winds of change and yet leaves a path of broken stillness in its wake. The Tempest is Funk and Staid whipping through the world together.
When the Groove fades, Stagnation remains. The draining of vitality is Stagnation.
The secrets of the world hide in shadows, caves, forests, and moonless nights. All who hope to keep those secrets will find themselves seeking Darkness.
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